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Daily Prayer Shield

Pull the Weeds of Worry

Pull the Weeds of Worry

April 27, 2024

As a church committed to praying for one another, we post this daily reminder we can all use for that purpose.  It contains links to a Bible reading that if followed daily will have taken you through the entire Bible by this time next year, devotional thoughts from Our Daily Bread, and the passage upon which those thoughts are based, with a prayer inspired by that passage.  We hope you will find it helpful!

Bible in a Year: 1 Kings 1-2; Luke 19:28-48

Today’s Our Daily Bread: Pull the Weeds of Worry | Our Daily Bread (

Devotional Passage: Matthew 13:3-8, 18-23

Prayer: As those who have heard and positively responded, Heavenly Father, to the Gospel of Your Beloved Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, we are trusting the Holy Spirit to produce fruit among us that is consistent with the seed of Your Word planted in us.  Please grace us with the perseverance to endure any trouble or persecution that comes our way as we grow in our faith.  Rather than letting the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the fruit of what You are producing in us, may we be those who take all our anxieties to You, in every situation, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, as we cast our cares on You because You care for us, that we may experience Your peace, which transcends all understanding, guarding our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus in Whose Name we pray.  Amen.

If you have a prayer request or a prayer for all of us that we can share for one another, please send it to

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